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4.4 ( 7524 ratings )
Verktyg Livsstil
Utvecklare: Empire Creative

Do you know how much time you are spending or wasting on queueing every day?

By using "ecQ", you may say goodbye to "Bored Queueing" from now on.

After you got the ticket from the shop, you may take a snapshot on the shops QR Code, and then input your ticket number. Thats it. You may leave the shop and walk around freely. You only need to keep track on the calling number on your iPhone and go back to the shop in time.

You may also get the up-to-date information as well as promotion for the shop. By sharing the queueing information to Facebook, your friends may gather on time.

Main features:
✔ Real time refresh calling number
✔ Support queueing in more than one shops
✔ Get the up-to-date information as well as promotion for the shop
✔ Share queueing information to Facebook

"ecQ Server" and "ecQ" is a pair of Apps that are specifically designed for solving queueing problem. Everybody/Shop/Organization may download from Apple App Store for FREE. Our target is promoting to all famous scenic spots, shops, restaurants, clinics as well as all places which are needed to queue.

Our ultimate wish is: Save much "Bored Queueing" time, earn your life time back.

"ecQ" is extremely simple to use. Download it NOW! Lets step into the age of "Freedom of Queueing".


有了 "ecQ",讓你從此跟“站在店外呆等的日子”講再見。

只要你在取得籌號後,拍下參與店舖的QR Code,並輸入輪候號碼,手機即搖身一變,成為一個實時的流動籌號機,之後你便可以自由活動了,你只需留意並更新 "ecQ" 的店舖叫號,那便無需再在店外呆等了。

你還可以即時查看店舖的最新資訊及優惠,和把你的排隊情況分享至 Facebook,讓你的朋友知道輪候情況,方便他們安排參與時間。

✔ 實時查看輪候狀況
✔ 可同時於不同店舖輪候多條隊
✔ 查看店舖最新資訊及優惠
✔ 將輪候情況及店舖資料分享至 Facebook

商戶版的 "ecQ Server" 和人客版的 "ecQ" 是一對專為舒解排隊輪候而研發的Apps。歡迎任何人仕、商舖或機構,隨意免費下載使用,我們的目標是推廣至每個受歡迎的景點、食肆和醫務所等,以至任何需要排隊的地方,讓大家能省下更多寶貴時間,建構一個“無拘無束”的排隊輪候新模式。

"ecQ" 用法簡單,請火速下載,讓我們一起推動“自由”排隊新革命吧!